This feature in Social Squared will allow you to speak into a microphone on your computer, and that speech will be converted to text to apply to the body of your Social Squared post.
In order for this feature to work, you will need a working microphone connected to your computer and connected to your SharePoint environment. If you do not have a microphone connected, you will see a message: “No microphone was found.” You might need to grant permission for the browser to detect your microphone.
The Social Squared Speech to Text feature makes use of the Web Speech API available in most modern browsers, including mobile browsers. If your browser does not support this feature, you will see a message: “Web Speech API is not supported by this browser.” Note that browser-based speech recognition requires that your audio is sent to a web service for recognition processing, so it won't work offline. If your Wi-Fi is off, you will not receive any response from the server.
First, click Speech to Text.
Next, with your Microphone on, click Listen from the dialogue window. Then speak your desired text for the topic. If you are not getting any text, confirm that your microphone is on and connected to your computer.
After your text is complete, click Stop.
Note that the Speech to Text feature does not add punctuation, so you will want to add any punctuation before posting.
If you are unhappy with the current text you can remove the text by clicking Reset.
If you are happy with the text, you can click Set Post Message, and the text will be immediately applied to your post.
A limited selection of languages are available if the speaker prefers their native language instead of the American English default. Simply select the desired language from the dropdown. The available languages are those that are supported by Social Squared at this time. Note: This will not translate, but instead recognizes the language spoken and will put it into text.