Installing DeliverPoint for SharePoint Server

Applies to SharePoint 2013/2016/2019/SE

As a SharePoint Farm Administrator, learn how to install DeliverPoint within your SharePoint Farm.


You must be logged on to a SharePoint Server, preferably the server where the SharePoint Central Administration website is hosted, as a SharePoint farm administrator. You must be logged on to a SharePoint Server, preferably the server where the SharePoint Central Administration website is hosted, as a SharePoint farm administrator. Also, confirm you have local administrator rights on the SharePoint Server to install DeliverPoint.

To install or upgrade/repair DeliverPoint, complete the following steps:

DO NOT Install or uninstall DeliverPoint during production hours, as both activities initiate an IISRESET.

DO NOT Run the DeliverPoint MSI on every SharePoint Server; the files are distributed to each server via a SharePoint solution deployment.

DO NOT Attempt an install of DeliverPoint after an uninstall has failed; see the document Manual Uninstall Steps.

DO NOT Attempt to install DeliverPoint on a server which does not have SharePoint configured.

  1. Download the latest version of from the download section of our web site.
  2. Unzip to a suitable location, such as the desktop.
  3. Execute DeliverPoint.msi, which can be found in the root of the zip file.

    The DeliverPoint installation wizard is launched and displays the Welcome step.


  1. Click Next.
  2. Select the I accept check box to agree to the License Agreement


  1. Click Next to display the Destination Folder step.

    If you do not want the DeliverPoint binaries to be deployed in the default location of c:\Program Files\Lightning Tools\DeliverPoint\, click Change, select a folder where you want the binaries to be deployed, and then click OK to close the Change destination folder dialog box.
  2. Click Next to display the Ready to install DeliverPoint step.

  1. Click Install. If the User Account Control dialog box is displayed, click Yes.

    The DeliverPoint wizard displays the progress of the installation, and when it is finished the Completed the DeliverPoint Setup Wizard step is displayed.


  1. Click Finish. NOTE: Whether this is a new installation or an upgrade, you will need to proceed to the Configuration Wizard steps below.

Configuration Wizard

The DeliverPoint Configuration Wizard provides a user interface that presents information on how to configure the installation, as well as obtain information from you about the pending installation process. Ensure you read each screen carefully before clicking Next to move to the next screen.

You must be logged on to the SharePoint Server, where you installed the DeliverPoint binaries, as a SharePoint farm administrator.


  • Install the DeliverPoint binaries.
  • Create an Active Directory (AD) username for the DeliverPoint service account, and ensure that it is NOT disabled in AD.
  • Inform your database administrator (DBA) that the DeliverPoint configuration wizard will create a new database, and ensure the DeliverPoint service account, you created in the above point, has the dbcreator and securityadmin server roles on the SQL Server where the database is to be created.
  • Confirm the SharePoint Administration (SPAdminV4) service is running successfully on all your Web Front-ends.
  • The DeliverPoint service account also requires Read-Write access to the DeliverPointInstall.log file, which is created in the Temp folder for the user ID that you used to install DeliverPoint. The configuration of DeliverPoint will fail if the service account does not have this permission to the Temp folder, which is set by an environmental variable that by default is set to AppData\Local\Temp. Therefore, navigate to folder set by the TEMP environment variable, such as, C:\Users\<install account>\AppData\Local folder and alter the security properties of the Temp folder for the DeliverPoint service account. If there are any errors during the configuration of DeliverPoint you will see them in the DeliverPointInstall.log file, for example, if you have not provided the DeliverPoint read-write access to the Temp folder, the error message in the DeliverPointInstall.log file, will be similar to:

    Running database setup SERVER:; DATABASE DP2013; User: trainsbydave\dpservice Impersonating user System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path 'C:\Users\brett.DP\AppData\Local\TempDeliverPointInstall.log' is denied.

Run the Configuration Wizard

  1. Once you have installed the DeliverPoint binaries, start the DeliverPoint Configuration Wizard, which you can find on:
  • Windows Server® 2008 by clicking StartAll ProgramsDeliverPoint Configuration Wizard and there should be a shortcut to the configuration wizard on your desktop.
  • Windows Server® 2012 and 2016, you can find the DeliverPoint Configuration Wizard on the Start screen.

If the User Account Control dialog box is displayed, click Yes.

The first step of the DeliverPoint Configuration Wizard is displayed.

Click Next to display the Impersonation Account step.

In the DB Impersonation User Name text box, type the DeliverPoint service account credentials. Use the DOMAIN\username format to enter the AD account. In the DB Impersonation User Password text box, type the password of the service account. If you have previously installed DeliverPoint then a checkbox is displayed which when selected allows you to save the previous installation settings.

Click Next.

The configuration wizard checks that you have entered a valid AD account and that you have not previously installed DeliverPoint. If the credentials are not valid, then an Invalid Credentials dialog box is displayed, click OK and then enter valid AD credentials and then click Next.

The Database Configuration step is displayed.

In the Server Name text box, type the name of the server running SQL Server where the DeliverPoint database should be created. In the Database Name text box, type the name you wish to use for the DeliverPoint database.

Click Next to display the Configuration Summary step.

Optionally choose “Compatible With All SharePoint Versions”. If you have performed an upgrade from SharePoint 2010 to 2013, for example, and still have some team sites or pages using the SharePoint 2010 look and feel. DeliverPoint will adhere to both master pages if this option is selected.

Check that the details are correct, and then click Next to complete the installation, which includes the following:

The DeliverPoint database is created. The DeliverPoint SharePoint® farm solution is added and deployed. The DeliverPoint user interface (UI) is activated for each Web Application. The five SharePoint® timer jobs are installed.

This process could take between 5-15 minutes to complete. When complete the Configuration Complete message is displayed.

Click Next to display the Success step, and then click Finish.

DepliverPoint Configuration Wizard has completed successfully

Modern Lists and Libraries extension

If you will be using SharePoint Server modern lists and libraries, you will also want to install the deliverpoint-modern-extensions.sppkg file found in this download package to an app catalog in each web application where you wish to use the modern DeliverPoint library permission management. This will make the DeliverPoint menu items appear within modern lists and libraries.

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