DeliverPoint treeview error messages
SharePoint crawl errors
"DeliverPoint has begun crawling sites to gather fresh data. During this time, DeliverPoint functionality is unavailable."
"DeliverPoint encountered an error and was unable to successfully gather information from SharePoint. Rendered tree view may be incomplete."
You may see one of these messages in the DeliverPoint User Interface if the crawl was interrupted and didn't complete successfully during the most recent SharePoint crawl. Please try running the DeliverPoint SharePoint interrogator manually. It's best to do this at a non-peak time for your server, if possible. To do this, run the crawl from the SharePoint timer jobs: In Central Admin, go to Monitoring > Review Job Definitions. Click on the DeliverPoint SharePoint Interrogation timer job, and then Run Now.
You can also check for any errors in the ProcessLog table of the DeliverPoint SQL database. Messages related to the SharePoint crawl will be listed as INTRUNNER processes. If there has been an error, further details can be found in the ProcessLogDetail table, in an entry with the corresponding log_id value. This can be submitted to Lightning Tools support for analysis.
Active Directory crawl error
"DeliverPoint encountered an error and was unable to successfully gather information from the authentication store. Discover Permissions is unavailable at this time."
You may see this message in the DeliverPoint User Interface if the service was interrupted and didn't complete successfully during the most recent Authentication Store crawl. Please try running the DeliverPoint AuthStore interrogator manually. It's best to do this at a non-peak time for your server, if possible. To do this, run the crawl from the SharePoint timer jobs: In Central Admin, go to Monitoring > Review Job Definitions. Click on the DeliverPoint Authentication Store Interrogation timer job, and then Run Now.
You can also check for any errors in the ProcessLog table of the DeliverPoint SQL database. Messages related to the AD crawl will be listed as AUTHSTOREINTRUN processes. If there has been an error, further details can be found in the ProcessLogDetail table, in an entry with the corresponding log_id value. This can be submitted to Lightning Tools support for analysis.
Errors running permission management jobs
Note that the ProcessLog table of the DeliverPoint SQL database also contains entries for Permission Management Jobs you have run. So if you are having trouble with running a job, you may find information about the issue here. In this case, the process_type in the ProcessLog table will be JOBPROCESSOR, and the log_level might be ERROR or WARNING.
Just as above, if you see an error, check in the ProcessLogDetail table for an entry with the corresponding log_id, to see the full error message.